About Brenda

Hi, I am Brenda Patterson, and I’m often called “The Headhunter with Skin in the Game.” I began working as a recruiter in 1988. In 1994, my six-year-old daughter was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). In 2006 my seventeen-year-old son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. I was filled with pain and fear. 

The day after my daughter was diagnosed, I found Dr. Steve Shak, the discoverer of Pulmozyme. One week later, I found Frank DeFord, whose daughter had died of CF at the age of eight. I then met Boomer Esiason whose son, Gunnar has CF. Their advice changed the trajectory of my life: (1) get on a first-name basis with all my doctors, (2) learn everything possible about CF and follow scientific advancements, (3) become an advocate for my children, (4) raise boatloads of money for the CF Foundation and JDRF, (5) take my skills as a recruiter to the biotech industry, because evangelists make great recruiters, and (6) never, ever give up. I took their advice, and JBK Search was born.

I’ve broken many records in recruiting. I’ve been a member of the prestigious Pinnacle Society (a consortium of 75 of the top recruiters in the United States), and president of the Indiana Search and Staffing Association. I’ve trained numerous top 10 recruiters. I’ve spoken at many industry conferences. Although I’m grateful and humbled, these accolades don’t matter to me.

I’m looking for results that enable my candidates and clients to work together to help patients live healthier and longer lives. That’s what gets me out of bed early in the morning and keeps me at my desk long after dark. Recruiting is not just a job; it’s a way to use my talents and skills to make a difference. Thus, my company offers a unique commitment, skill set, and talent no-one else can.

I’ve built a company fueled by passion, commitment, and hard work. I’m here. Let’s talk.